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医 人 当 自 强的英文

"医 人 当 自 强"怎么读


  • grey's anatomy
  • "医"英文翻译    doctor; physician
  • "人"英文翻译    human being; man; person; pe ...
  • "当"英文翻译    proper; right
  • "自"英文翻译    self; oneself; one's own
  • "强"英文翻译    make an effort; strive
  • "医" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(医生) doctor; physician 军医 medical officer; surgeon; 开业行医 practice as a doctor; 巫医 witch doctor; 延医 send for a doctor; 解放前农村缺医少药。 before liberation there were few doctors and little medicine in the countryside. 她得到良医的治疗。 she is attended by a good doctor.2.(医学) medical science [service]; medicine 送医送药到山寨 take medicine and medical service to mountain villages; 行医 practise medicine; 医用温度计 clinical thermometer; 他是学医的。 he is a student of medicine.Ⅱ动词(医治) cure; treat 把他的病医好 cure him of his illness; 给人医病 give sb. medical treatment; 一种新药医好了她的病。 she was cured with a new medicine
  • "当" 英文翻译 :    当Ⅰ形容词(相称) equal 门当户对 be well-matched in social and economic status (for marriage); 实力相当 well-matched in strengthⅡ动词1.(担任; 充当) work as; serve as; be 当翻译 serve [act] as interpreter; 当公共汽车司机 work as a bus driver; 当官做老爷 act like an overlord; 选他当组长 elect him group leader; 他在一家银行当办事员。 he serves as a clerk in a bank.2.(承当; 承受) bear; accept; deserve 敢做敢当 dare to do sth. and dare to take responsibility for it; 我可当不起这样的夸奖。 i just don't deserve such praise. 一人做事一人当。 one should answer for what he does.3.(主持; 掌管) direct; manage; be in charge of 当家 manage household affairs4.(应当) ought; should; must 理当如此。 that's just as it should be. 能省的就省, 当用的还是得用。 save what you can, but use what you must.Ⅲ介词1.(面对着; 向着) in sb.'s presence; to sb.'s face 当着大家谈。 speak out in the presence of everyone. 你在当着我的面撒谎。 you are telling me lies to my very face.2.(正在那时候、 那地方) just at (a time or place) 当场 on the spot; 当时 at that timeⅣ象声词(撞击金属器物的声音) clank; clang 当当的钟声 the tolling of a bell; the ding-dong of bellsⅤ名词(姓氏) a surname 当阳 dang yang
  • "强" 英文翻译 :    强形容词(强硬不屈;固执) stubborn; unyielding 倔强 unbending; unyielding
  • "自" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ代词(自己) self; oneself; one's own 独自 by oneself; all alone; 不能自持 can not control one's own passion; 不自量 not take a proper measure of oneself; overrate one's own abilities; 自作孽自持 can not control one's own passion; 不自量 not take a proper measure of oneself; overrate one's own abilities;自作孽自持 can not control one's own passion; 不自量 not take a proper measure of oneself; overrate one's own abilities;自作孽have only oneself to blameⅡ副词(自然;当然) certainly; of course; naturally; willingly 自应资助 will certainly aid financially; 自当悔改 will willingly mend one's ways; 自当努力 will certainly do one's best; 两人久别重逢, 自有许多话说。 having reunited after a long departure, the two certainly have a lot to talk about. 他来问我, 我自有话回答。 if he comes to ask me, i know how to reply to him properly.Ⅲ介词(从; 由) from; since 自幼 since childhood; 来自大西洋彼岸 coming from the other side of the atlantic; 有朋自远方来 have a friend coming from afar; 自即日起生效 become effective (as) from this date; with effect from (w.e.f.); 自数十元至几千元不等 ranging from tens to thousands of yuan; 自结婚后, 她未曾回过家。 she hasn't [hadn't] been home since her marriage. 自那时起, 他似乎有了改变。 from that hour a change seemed to come over him
  • "人" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(能制造并使用工具进行劳动的高等动物) human being; man; person; people 城里人 townman; 非洲人 african; 好人 good person; 黄种人 the yellow race; yellow; 辽宁人 a native of liaoning; liaoningese; 男人 man; 女人 woman; 人对自然界的认识 man's knowledge of nature; 团结得像一个人 be united as one; 外国人 foreigner; foreign national; 乡下人 countryman; 你一个人行吗? can you manage on your own? 他人在那儿, 心可想着别的事。 he was there all right, but his mind was elsewhere. 她是个吸引男人的人。 she is an attractive person. 我们一共六十人。 we are sixty in number. 这个座位有人吗? is this seat occupied [taken]? 昨天有三个人来找你。 three people came to see you yesterday.2.(每人;一般人) everybody; each; all 人所共知 be known to all [everybody]3.(成年人) adult; grown-up 长大成人 become a grown-up4.(指某种人) a person engaged in a particular activity 工人 worker; 军人 soldier; 主人 host; 监护人 guardian; 领导人 leader5.(别人) other people; people 待人诚恳 treat people sincerely; be sincere with people; 助人为乐 take pleasure in helping people; 别小看人 ! don't look down on people!6.(人的品质、性格或名誉) personality; character 为人公正 upright in character; 他人很好。 he's a very nice man.7.(人的身体或意识) state of one's health; how one feels 送到医院, 人已经昏迷过去了。 when the patient was taken to hospital, he had already lost consciousness. 这几天我人不大舒服。 i haven't been feeling well for several days.8.(人手; 人才) manpower; hand 我们这里正缺人。 we are shorthanded at the moment.9.(姓氏) a surname 人杰 ren jie
  • "套管(医)" 英文翻译 :    cannulae
  • "医〕盗癖" 英文翻译 :    cleptomania
  • "远视(医" 英文翻译 :    long sightfarsightednesshyperopiahypermetropia
  • "自 言 自 语" 英文翻译 :    monologue
  • "当…时候" 英文翻译 :    while when
  • "典当;当" 英文翻译 :    pawn
  • "显示;当" 英文翻译 :    display
  • "海闸 (强" 英文翻译 :    sgbc
  • "强5" 英文翻译 :    qiangji 5
  • "从,自" 英文翻译 :    fm from
  • "自 化" 英文翻译 :    jidoka
  • "自5" 英文翻译 :    mazda premacy
  • "自……起" 英文翻译 :    as of
  • "自…跌落" 英文翻译 :    fall from
  • "自…冒出" 英文翻译 :    rise from
医 人 当 自 强的英文翻译,医 人 当 自 强英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译医 人 当 自 强,医 人 当 自 强的英文意思,醫 人 當 自 強的英文医 人 当 自 强 meaning in English醫 人 當 自 強的英文医 人 当 自 强怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。